Mcb home business

Business Accounts

Whether it is a new or an existing business, we can assist with the opening of the business account that you may need in Guilders, US Dollars or Euros.

Below is a list of available business accounts and the required documentation for opening each account.

Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Resident (Onshore) company (N.V. or B.V.)
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Sole Proprietorship
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Partnership
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Foundations
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Private Foundations (Stichting Particulier Fonds “SPF”)
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Associations
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Account which falls under the Supervision of a Governmental Department or Service
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | VOF
Low and Medium Risk Accounts | Financial Institution
High Risk Accounts | Offshore Company (Non Resident)


1. Once you have all the required documentation and / or questions, please contact a "Sales & Service Officer" officer to schedule an appointment or visit your nearest branch.

2. All signatories must be present when opening the account for signing of the Signature list.

3. On appointment with the "Sales & Service Office" information will be requested on the source of funds used to open the account as well as the transaction profile (i.e. the amount and frequency of deposits, incoming / outgoing transfers, largest transaction amount and anticipated cash activity).

4. In the event that the shares are held by another company you will need to provide the same information as required for this company as per account opening requirements.

Downloadable opening slips

Sole Proprietorship

Resident (onshore) company

Foundation, Associations, Committees

*No code found.
Balance in NAƒ
Expiration date
The above balance is as of: N/a